Neil mannion bitcoins

neil mannion bitcoins

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The High Court has ruled that cryptocurrency held by a man serving a prison sentence for drugs offences constitutes the proceeds of crime. The High Court of Ireland has ruled that Euros (approximately $) worth of Ethereum held by Neil Mannion, a thirty-seven-year-old. As reported by The Independent, Neil Mannion and Richard O'Connor, both of Dublin, pleaded guilty to possession of LSD, amphetamine and cannabis.
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Judge Martin Nolan said he would think about the case and deal with it at 2pm on Monday. A Bitcoin Bitcoin While some may still be wondering what is Bitcoin, who created Bitcoin, or how does Bitcoin work, one thing is certain: Bitcoin has changed the world. Such a breach could arise in a future case and it would be prudent to prepare for such potential difficulties, she added. Neither man has any previous convictions.