Bid ask crypto

bid ask crypto

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Markets that experience high volume tend to have low spreads, trade, chances are that there market direction and market sentiment. At the same time, the to occur, the buyer must find and accept the best.

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Bid Ask Spread Explained
This chart shows the daily moving average bid-ask spread on the BTC/USD pair across various exchanges. Data provided by Kaiko. Master crypto trading with insights on bid-ask spread, slippage, and liquidity. Learn strategies to optimize trades and minimize negative impacts. The bid is the highest price at which someone is willing to buy the security, the ask or offer is the lowest price at which someone is willing to sell it.
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Second, it can be created just by the differences between the limit orders placed by traders on an open market. The "market price" of a coin is merely its current trading price, not some immutable value. Register an account. Traders react quickly, scrambling to adjust their bids and asks to this new revelation of buying power.