Bid and ask price crypto

bid and ask price crypto

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A 'bid' price represents the maximum price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset. The 'ask' price represents the minimum price that a seller is willing to. This chart shows the daily moving average bid-ask spread on the BTC/USD pair across various exchanges. Data provided by Kaiko. A bid-ask spread is the amount by which the ask price exceeds the bid price for an asset in the market.
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The spread between the bid and ask prices is determined by the overall level of trading activity in the security, with higher activity leading to narrow bid-ask spreads and vice versa. Ready to enter the crypto game now and test your bid and ask knowledge in the live trading waters? To understand why there is a "bid" and an "ask," one must factor in the two major players in any market transaction, namely the price taker trader and the market maker counterparty.